Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    High School Musical Jr.
  • Lighting Designer
    Brandon Washington
  • Venue
    Boise Little Theater
  • Producing Entity
    Boise Parks and Recreation

"Auditions-1" was lit with Fresnels gelled with R02 that were shooting straight at the ground to give a very dramatic introduction to an extremely silly scene with the atmosphere that was created from the bounce light off of the white floor of the platforms.

"Head in the Game" was lit using a R324. The punchy red really brought out the primary red costume pieces, and allowed for the athletes to be immersed in this stylistic high school.

"All in this Together" was lit using R80 and R324 as a Front Toner, and the two colors were doubled up as a Back Light system. This allowed the purple that was created to really sculpt the bodies and allow the ensemble to feel more tangible/sculpted during the final moments of the show.

"Bop to the Top" was lit with R80 from the Front to recede all of the characters. Specials with R302+R119 allowed all of the different locations to be "popped" to life whenever the dialogue occurred during a montage.

"Auditions-2" was lit with a No Color Front Light on the Ensemble/Auditioners. Surrounding them was R324, allowing them to mentally exist in a very public and open space.

Colors Used:

  • R02
  • R302
  • R80
  • R324
  • R119