Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Noises Off
  • Lighting Designer
    Jac-que Robinson
  • Venue
    Putnam Valley Theatre Works

Production - Noises Off (Putnam Valley Theatre Works, Putnam Valley, NY)
Lighting Design - Jac-que Robinson
Scenic Design - James J. Fenton

R364 - Blue Bell
R361 - Hemsley Blue
R79 - Bright Blue
R53 - Pale Lavender
R302 - Pale Bastard Amber
R3204 - Half Blue

Putnam Valley Theatre Works are always ambitious in their show selections and Noises Off was no exception. Not only did I have to deal with the challenge of a massive multi-level set that rotated a full 360, but I had to deal with steep angles created by the height and postion of the set. Another challenge was the directors request that all the interior scenes look as naturally lit as possible and that all the backstage scenes for Act II actually seem like a backstage area (while still maintaing visibility on the actors faces).

To achieve the natural looks for Act I & Act III, we stayed with a pretty small palate using R53, R302 & R3204. For the backstage scenes of Act II we added the R364, R361 & R79, while taking out the R3204 & R302. With just the R53 as front light for Act II along with the deeper blues (from the front, above & back positions) we were able to maintain visibility on the actors, while however giving the feeling that the scenes were dimly lit.

Colors Used:

  • R364
  • R361
  • R79
  • R53
  • R302
  • R3204