Color Resource Gallery

Jeremy Allen

  • Production
    A Streetcar Named Desire
  • Lighting Designer
    Jeremy Allen Fisher
  • Venue
    Oklahoma City University
  • Producing Entity
    Jeremy Allen Fisher

Oklahoma City University's production of A Streetcar Named Desire (2010) Lighting Design by JeremyAllenFisher Assistant Lighting Designer Taylor Starr Knight This show was build around the color R3420 I choose this color for its deep saturation and light transmission. It represented evening sunlight. It was used as side light and front angled blasts. Its main counter part was R26&R64. I combined these two colors to create a bold pinkish red that I could not find in any gel book. It was used as side light and front angled blasts. R59 helped balance out these two colors and was used as a steep front fill. As well as R88 as a flat front fill. R79 was used as a steep side light for filling in the shadows. R32 was used as a flat side light to assist the front light. R356 was used as and cool back light and R18 as the warm. 7 scrollers were used behind the windows and had 16 different colors I used through out the show.

Colors Used:

  • R3420
  • R26
  • R64
  • R59
  • R88
  • R79
  • R356
  • R17