Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Still life with Iris
  • Lighting Designer
    MIke Berger
  • Venue
    Carnegie Mellon
  • Producing Entity
    Margeret Bridges

These were from Carnegie Mellon's 2011 production of Still Life with Iris.
Production Credits:
Director: Margaret Bridges
Lighting Designer: Michael Berger
Scenic Designer: Lauren Mills
Master Electrician: Andrew Leitch
Photos By: Mike Berger/Matt Bialek

Selected Rosco Color Used:
I picked a lot of Rosco color in the show due to the challenges posed by the upstage drop. I spent a lot of time in the light lab working with fabric samples of both the colored fabric and the black velour behind it. I found the following Rosco colors provided the best results.

Blue/Green Organza
-R57/74 Diagonal Split

Red/Yellow Organza

Black Velour

I also used an assortment of other Rosco colors throughout the rig including a lot of R3202 to color correct the tungsten units to balance with the large quantity of arc sourced moving lights in the rig.

Other Rosco Colors Used:
R375/R75 Diagonal Split (For the green silhouette)

Brief photo descriptions:
1-Memory Mender picking up objects from the Hall of the Goods
2-Annabel Lee Entering -R375/R75 Backlight. Delta 3000 Fogger
3-Tunnel of the Unwanted - R74 + R57/74 Diagonal Split on US Drops
4- Show Preset
5-Hall of the Goods - R3202 on Silver Drops + R325 on US Drops.

Colors Used:

  • R53
  • R74
  • R325
  • R50
  • R90
  • R132
  • R375
  • R75
  • R317
  • R119