Color Resource Gallery


Alex monologues about his desire to enact violence while dead bodies are strewn behind him.

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Color Resource Gallery


This was scene in which one of the characters was very upset about his pet duck dying. Because of this the lighting design was much darker and more intense.

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Color Resource Gallery


With this being a show with Drag Queens, it was very important to make the costumes pop while at the same time making sure the lighting didn't take away from the makeup they wore. Along with that, many of the costumes had a great deal of red, so whatever I used had to mix well and not drastically change the color of the costumes. I used R77 as a cool so that their faces wouldn't get washed out and the red of the costume wouldn't be muddy looking. The R372 was to help balance out the cool/green of the R77 and add a touch more to the overall cool wash.

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Color Resource Gallery


1) Rosco 355 with a breakup used as an intermission curtain wash
2) Rosco 83 used for a nighttime scene, white costumes used to amplify the ability of the R83 to act as a blacklight color and make them glow.
3) Rosco 73 used to make the green tree more green, but also highlight various ornaments. During the scene, the tree is flown out on battens to achieve an effect wherein it 'grows' and the R73 is blended with reds and other greens as it does so.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Production of Les Mis at the Racine Theatre Guild in Racine, Wisconsin. A community theatre with a full thrust stage and a 400 seat house.

We knew we would be running everything pretty low for most of the show so the front and side lights are gelled with R51. Our rep plot is gelled with R333 but that would have been way to warm at the low levels we were running. The backlights all got R59 to provide some "mood" and a canvas to paint the key lights on.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


The first photo is of the stage pre-show. We showcased the gel colors and gobos we used to help create a dramatic atmosphere even before the show began.

The second photo is of when the owners of the factory are yelling at the girls to keep working even under terrible conditions. We focused on making sure the actors were well lit with a mixture of bastard amber and chocolate gels. The third electric was mostly green with some gels of royal blue to accent the changing framework set.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


This event was a Fashion Show for the MATT program at UK. They wanted up lighting throughout the venue to have a spring feeling.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Room up lighting to set the event theme. Used R68 for a blue and R90 for green.

On LED uplighting we had, we used R114 to frost the light against the curtain.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


The lighting concept for Machinal was "light as freedom." The lighting utilized color and position to create an environment around the Young Woman that shifted depending on when she was at her most and least free. When she was at her least free, her environment was cold, steely, sterile. When at her most free, she was bathed in soft, rose-gold light. The only time R01 was used was when the Young Woman was in a place of warmth, of freedom. That's also when R39, R18, and R02 were most present.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Highlights from the closing night performance. Lighting Design by Peter Cavanaugh

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